Imagine a company that treats you like an individual while grouping you up with others for economical small group tours. Imagine no more -- MayaSites Travel Services is here! Our tours take the guesswork out of travel to the Land of the Maya without taking away your independence. Throughout the tour our renowned guides act as cultural liaisons to give you a full experience of the Maya, both ancient and modern, while insuring your individual needs get attention. Why join a crowded large bus tour when you can travel in a small group with premiere guides and see the sites in style - at a price you can afford!!
Classic Maya of Rainforest in Palenque
March 23-28, 2024 With archaeologist Dr. Julia Miller
5 night small group tour of Palenque, Bonampak, Yaxchilan La Venta Olmec Museum and more!
For more information or to make a reservation
Contact MayaSites Travel Services:
U.S. office toll free 877-620-8715
Outside of the U.S. (country code 1) 505-255-2279
Or e-mail us at [email protected] |
